Full-length album (CD/Digital), 22 Tracks
Release date: 2015
Label: Venus Aeon/Uncoiled Loops

Disc 1:
01. High Priestess Regan “Journeys”
02. Introspect Void “The Entropy of Nyarlathotep”
03. Drudenhaus “Lucifer’s Descension”
04. Draconian Method “Burn The Bodies”
05. Harrowing Nurses “Matter”
06. Dark Matter Noise “If I Should Die”
07. Cur of the Sun “Seppukunst No. 2, Temperature of Night”
08. Secant Prime “Jacobi Elliptic Function”
09. Michael Idehall “Prophet of the Storm”
10. Mister Vapor “Exhalation”
11. Thalie Némésis & Agony For Pleasure “Clamavi”
Disc 2:
01. Drudenhaus “Night at Danvers”
02. Sinister Signal “Descent Control”
03. ѦPѺLLYѺN’S â–¼ISѦGE “Contact (06.17.1979)”
04. Twilight Transmissions “Sounderground”
05. Mystified “Wood and Stone”
06. Secant Prime “Montgomery’s Pair Correlation Conjecture”
07. Daniel & Mikael Tjernberg “Abysmal”
08. UNUNE “In Moribus Errantia:”
09. Steven OLaf “Ashes To Ashes [Pitch Black Mix]”
10. Skincage “The Bruised Mandala”
11. YISX “Lieben”
Subterranean Passages is a unique collection of dark ambient in two volumes. Enter this underworld journey and if you can manage to overcome your fears then you may find beauty on the other side.
Thanks to Jonathan Grönlund, who plays the harp on our track “Abysmal” – appearing on the second volume.
Created by Rob hEADaCHE: Uncoiled Loops & TG Mondalf: Venus Aeon
CD Concept & Design: Heru-Set Productions
Cover Art: Morbidly Beautiful
Photography: Lithium Dreams Photography
Model: Hada Pixie